Inspired by Japan's revered Jazz Kissa, our vision was to craft a space that transcends time, nostalgia and warmth.

With the use of wood, we wanted to create an ambiance that's both intimate and inviting. The dim lighting, carefully chosen, casts gentle shadows, enhancing the depth and richness of the interiors. But it's not just about aesthetics; it's about evoking emotions. The soft melodies of jazz, combined with an expansive record library, are designed to transport and make you forget the world outside.

This project was more than just creating a space; it was about capturing a feeling. The challenge was to make visitors feel as though time had paused, allowing them to be fully present in the moment. Through thoughtful design choices and a deep understanding of the Jazz Kissa culture, webelieve we've created a space where reality blurs, and magic takes over.


InSheepsClothing NYC


Mirage Cafe TLV