Transcend the boundaries of time.

Architecture, interior design, customized lighting, and furniture design.

Great attention to exceptional

Created in 2021 by Dror Sher and Tal Friedland Sher, our collaboration integrates Dror's expertise in food, beverage, and music with Tal's deep understanding of design and architecture. Together, our combined knowledge offers a unique and optimal opportunity for anyone seeking innovative design solutions."



“Unlike its Tel Aviv counterpart, New York’s Port Sa’id is set indoors. However, restaurant designers Dror Sher and Tal Friedland Sher were committed to imbuing the Hudson Square space with a strong sense of Tel Aviv’s open, al fresco energy. Soaring ceilings, broad open spaces and warm relaxing materials give Port Sa’id a comfortable and casual spirit.  A record library, central sound system and open kitchen provide plenty of visual stimulation to accompany Port Sa’id’s globally innovative food and drinks offerings. “Nothing feels stuffy or overdesigned, the entire space is intended for folks to feel at home,” says Dror Sher, who notes that an outdoor cafe space is slated for the coming months at Port Sa’id. “The idea is for Port Sa’id to be the kind of place you can spend time late into the night.”


“Although indoors, the designers of Port Said New York, Dror Sher and Tal Friedland Sher, have succeeded in infusing the space with the vibrant and open energy of Tel Aviv’s al-fresco dining. The soaring ceilings, open layout, and warm materials create a comfortable and casual ambiance. In the coming months, an outdoor cafe space is also planned, further enhancing the welcoming atmosphere.Under the guidance of In Sheep’s Clothing, the music program at Port Said New York promises to elevate the entire experience. In collaboration with Tel Aviv, a vast record library has been curated, and talented turntable artists will grace the stage each evening. The torch of music excellence is passed from Tel Aviv to Los Angeles and finally to New York, creating a harmonious blend of sounds.”


Although indoors, the designers of Port Said New York, Dror Sher and Tal Friedland Sher, have succeeded in infusing the space with the vibrant and open energy of Tel Aviv’s al-fresco dining. The soaring ceilings, open layout, and warm materials create a comfortable and casual ambiance. In the coming months, an outdoor cafe space is also planned, further enhancing the welcoming atmosphere.


ללא יח״צ וכמעט מתחת לרדאר, עוד מקום חדש נפתח לו באזור בית רומנו בואכה פארק המסילה. הספוט הטרי התמקם בצמוד לבית הקפה מיראז׳, אך כשתיכנסו פנימה תיווכחו לגלות שלא מדובר בהמשך ישיר שלו, אלא ביצור חדש לגמרי, כפי ששני עצמו בוודאי היה אומר. ברקע מתנגנת מוזיקת ג׳אז בווליום מרשים, על הבר חיפויי עץ מהוגנים והמקום קטן והומה אדם, במובן הטוב של המונח. מלבד בר העץ הדומיננטי, סביבו רוב הסועדים והלוגמים יושבים, יש גם מספר שולחנות קטנים ולרוב, גם תפוסים.